Brieanna Tiessen

Brieanna Tiessen is a 21 year old passionate and exciting young woman born in the most southern part of Ontario, Leamington. With a strong love for children, making others feel beautiful and one with themselves, Brieanna works in the fields of early childhood education and aesthetics. Brieanna has always believed in helping others and has been honoured to be able to work in two fields that allow her to do so.

Brieanna has had endless opportunities to volunteer during her childhood. Through hockey teams she’s played on, by assisting in practices and teaching kids how to skate, Brieanna has learnt the importance of being one as a team and lifting up one-another whenever they are down. As Brieanna got older she has continued to volunteer within her community through childcare. With Brieannas passion of working with children, she strives for families who are not fortunate enough to provide healthcare for their children or family as she has seen it first hand with being a part of the Ronald McDonald community.

Brieanna stands here today in support of the Ronald McDonald foundation as her platform. As Brieanna supports this amazing foundation, she has become very familiar with it, through seeing it all first hand. While seeing the outcome and effects the foundation has on families, Brieanna wishes to continue to spread awareness of the foundation and help as many individuals whom are suffering with their healthcare expenses as well as day-to-day living expenses, ensuring she can be apart of their journey of finding a house to call home, and living every day without a worry.

This will be Brieanna’s first time competing in a pageant. Throughout these past 2 months Brieanna has been able to appreciate and experience the benefits and knows just how important it is to be involved, especially within our community. Throughout time growing up and practice, Brieanna has come over her fears of expressing her opinion and sharing her voice as she’s grown and sees this Ms Tecumseh 2024 pageant as an opportunity to have a larger voice now and share what she strongly believes in.

Brieanna hopes to be an even bigger role model for the children she works with and be the voice of those who need it. From being a young girl growing up with big dreams to being a young, strong woman implementing her dreams; Brieanna wishes to not only bring out the voices in others who need it, but also for that young woman inside of her wishing to make her dreams come true.