Taylor Gardner

Taylor Gardner is 20 years old and going into her first year at St. Clair for hairstyling. She loves drawing and painting as well as photography. She also likes doing makeup and helping others out. She has volunteered with her Grandparents at Optimist Programs for Kids for many years. She hopes to become a hairdresser which fits her artsy personality. In Taylor’s spare time she enjoys hanging out with her family, swimming, traveling, and hanging out with her friends.If she was given the title of Miss Tecumseh, she would seek to inspire people to know that they can do anything if they can set their mind to it.

Taylor is passionate about the Little Hands Kids for a Cause. that assists children with life-threatening diseases in Windsor-Essex county. This would be her platform because she wants the children to get the care they need during their fight. This hits close to home because Taylor lost her little cousin to cancer and he was one of the little heroes.