Rebecca Drouin

Rebecca Drouin is a 19-year-old who was born and raised in the wonderful town of Tecumseh. She is a current student at the University of Windsor, studying Honors Criminology. After she completes her 4 year program, she looks forward to enrolling in the OPP auxiliary program. Rebecca aspires to become a criminal investigator, along with gaining experience as a patrol officer with the overall goal of keeping her community safe.

Community means a lot to Rebecca, engaging in charity and volunteer work has been something she has done throughout different opportunities in grade school, and high school. Such as years spent volunteering for the Leukaemia Blood Drive, and other non-profit charities. She also had the opportunity to be Team Captain for her school’s Dragon Boat team. The Miss Tecumseh journey leading up to the pageant has inspired Rebecca to such an extent with all the charity and volunteering opportunities involved. One of the opportunities that excited Rebecca was being able to pick a charity of choice that she will be able to sponsor if chosen as the new Miss Tecumseh 2022! The charity of choice is known as the United Way/Centraide of Windsor-Essex county. This charity is one that strikes a soft spot in Rebecca because she and her family experienced very difficult times. This wonderful charity allows the youth and families a second chance during or after their struggles. A community that is united, and full of love is what will allow others to keep going and never give up!

Rebecca was raised in a single-family home by her Mother, this taught her at a young age what struggle was. Having the ability to take into consideration that “ it’s a bad day, not a bad life” made her strong. This resulted in Rebecca maintaining a positive attitude no matter the circumstances given, and always trying to lift others up when feeling down. Being a positive and uplifting role model for friends and family is always Rebecca’s main goal. Especially when it comes to being someone the youth of the community can look up to and gain emotional or educational support from. Rebecca wants to be able to have that opportunity to do so and share her story. Which is why she is honored and forever grateful for having the opportunity of being a part of the Miss Tecumseh Journey! Along with the possibility of becoming the next Miss Tecumseh 2022, to be able to share her dedication, love, grace, positive attitude, and education to those within the community.